It has been a rough couple of days for my family. My 18 year old nephew was seriously injured Sunday night in a car accident. He was a passenger in a vehicle who's driver failed to yield while turning, the car was T-Boned in the passenger side and Anthony took the brunt of the impact. He was life-flighted to Atlanta Medical Center.a big shout out to the trauma team at the hospital..they took excellent care of him! He was critical when he arrived and is still in serious condition. He has 2 broken legs, 2 broken ankles, fractured/dislocated hip, kidney and liver lacerations. Along with numerous other small cuts and bruises.
Surgery today to put rods, pins and plates in his right leg, manipulate his hip back into place so that they could imobilize it along with imobilizing the other leg and both ankles. The kidney and liver lacerations have quit bleeding so that is a positive sign. However, they discovered ACL damage in his knee during surgery. Until they can get an MRI on it they won't make a decision on surgery for it. They want to make sure he is more stable before operating again.
Please keep him in you prayers along with my brother and his wife. This is their only child.
Hope your nephew is doing better! Hope to see you tomorrow night!