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Saturday, September 24, 2011


Yes it's done!  I churned thru Alessandra Adellaide's Christmas Tree and finished it last night with my own touches.  The pattern did not call for any metallic's or beads but I added them.  I think it turned out nicely!

This picture does not show all of the detail work but I like the way it turned out.

Today was PINS and we had a great time...needed it after this week at work and next week will be just as bad.  Lots of meetings etc and not a lot of time to get my work done but it will get done.

Looks like the new baby Logan will make his appearance this week...not the best time in the world for it but we will handle it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Cold Germs....Yech!!!

Who ever sent this cold my way needs to take it back!  I have not had one in a couple of years and now I remember why I don't want another one!

We have 2 new members of the household.  Lucy who is a black and white tuxedo kitten, we found her on the car-port at about age 4 weeks.  Her momma had disappeared and her 2 litter mates were found dead in our yard (we think coyotes got them).  We brought her in the house and she took right to it.

Then there is Sparky.  Tortiseshell kitten my husband found in the parking lot at work.  She is  a little cuddler.  They are fitting right in.  If you sit down they find your lap!
I have gotten quite a bit done on the Alessanda piece.  I might be able to finish it in the next couple of weeks then on to the next project.

It is a little more than half done.  There are a couple of errors in it but by the time I found them I was not going to frog the mistakes!