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Monday, January 24, 2011

Not enough time in the day

This last week has re-affirmed that there is just not enough time in the day, week or month. I just don't seem to get everything done that needs to get done. I wind up working at home a minimum of 3 nites a week and come Friday night I am brain dead. Don't know how I am going to keep up once car show season starts. On second thought I might get more stitching done! Unless I am working the show will be sitting in my chair stitching...great way to spend an afternoon.

Had a big scare with the munchkin this week. He had a seizure on Tuesday for no apparent reason, rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and doctors found no obvious reason for it. No signs of epilepsy etc so now have to see what a pediatric neurologist has to say. Seeing him last nite you would never know it had happened. He is such a happy little man.

Got a little and I mean little stitching done. I need to relax more by stitching just right now can find the time except on is so much fun..can't wait.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A new week begins

Well between the snow and dental work I have been at home for a week. The office was closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I was on vacation Thursday and Friday for dental work. You would think being at home for a week I would get stitching done but NO. I spent 3 days working from home while the rest of my team mates were enjoying the time off. Thursday and Friday were pain pill days.

Saturday was spent running errands and watching football. I am sad to say that the Falcons is to a better year next year!

Sunday was a little stitching, a little baby sitting for my grandson Christian. Here are a couple of photos of him. Hard to believe he is already 18 months old. He is such a little cutie and still loves to cuddle.

Here is my progress so far on Country Cottage's A Bee C Sampler. I like the pastel colors in this one...makes me want spring to hurry up!
I can't wait to go to the Tuesday nite stitch in! This is a nite when I get to do what I want without cooking or cleaning or anything other than relaxing!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

Wonderful start to the week 7 inches of snow and sleet and it's still coming down! Started a new project last night, another LHN "ABeeC Sampler". I love all of the spring colors. I put Mercantile away for a while to start something with color. Office is closed, blueberry muffins for breakfast, chili for dinner and it looks like we may be stuck in the house for a few days.

Here are some pictures from my carport:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reality Ain't all it's cracked up to be

Well I have been back to work for 3 whole days and am already looking forward to my next long weekend! For the most part I really like my job but some of my co-workers leave a little bit to be desired...not going to say anything never know when big brother is watching!

Tuesday nite stitching was great! Small group but we had a really good a lot of stitching done and a little more S.E.X. was had. Can't wait for next week. Really nice to go and just be a girl for a while not a wife, mother, grandmother or employee.

Finally got my "Under the Prairie Moon" framed and on the wall...did the frame myself. I rather like the little leaves trickling down the corner. Here it is.

I also got a lot done on Mercantile

My grandson spent the nite on New Years eve and the next morning he decided to help his poppy eat his breakfast..
Can you tell he has him wrapped???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well it's back to the real world tomorrow...I am in a way looking forward to it. While the vacation was nice I am not the kind of person that can stay at home. I need the challenge of working..keeps the brain active. I got a lot done the week and the plan for today is to frame Prairie Moon, stitch some more on Merchantile and watch the Falcons game(hope to watch them clinch division). I will also bake a batch of Jailhouse cookies to use of the last of the supplies. Looking forward to Tuesday nite stitching...will be to nice to socialize, Friday nite dinner with the car club is also a great way to end the week