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Monday, August 22, 2011

Is it already Monday???

I think there was a weekend in there somewhere..I don't feel like it tho.  Had the munchin all weekend, his mom was back in the hospital in premature labor again. His Pee-Paw and Uncle James took care of him all day on Friday and then I took over when I got home.  I forgot how much work a 2 year old is full time!   He played chase with the kittens all night friday nite and then they crashed together in his port-a-crib.
2 very tired

I didn't get much stitching done this weekend and by the time he went home on Sunday I was almost too tired to do anything.  Here is my progress for the week...

I couldn't use the silver petit treasure braid on the 32 count fabric so had to settle for silver mettallic DMC..not as shiny so will make up for it with crystal, red and blue beads to simulate ornaments.

Tuesday nite will be at the IHOP and will use a portable light so I can see better then Saturday is PINS.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hectic Weekend!

I am glad it's Monday!  I cannot belive I just said  This weekend was not really restful.  Worked Saturday morning, then to Stitch Day, came home cleaned house, did laundry, cooked dinner.  Sat down again about 9 and crashed hard!  Sunday morning up at 5:30 am again and off to the grocery store which I was supposed to do Saturday nite but ran out of time..then off to the car show at 11.  Good show 90+ cars, lots of new ones and it appeared that everyone had a great time even in the heat.  Came home ate dinner and stitched for about an hour before I gave it up and went to bed. 

This is my new start..  it is an Alessandra Adelaide piece called Christmas Tree

I am doing it on 32ct Christmas Green linen w/ DMC 5200 with Silver Petite Treasure Braid...I think it will be beautiful when it is done.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Finally another Finish!

Finally another finish!  My halloween finish..thinking I might turn it into a little pillow.

Had a little party for the munchkin on Saturday night after his accident on Friday.  He was so excited to see everyone and really liked his birthday gifts.  I think he liked his cake even more!
Another week at work..just taking it one week at at a time and this week is mid-year reviews so it will be interesting to see if I can hold my tounge.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's not possible!

My grandson will be 2 tommorrow!!  It is not  The munchkin is such a little hoot.  He spent the weekend with us and wore me out!  I don't know if I am ready for Logan when he gets here in October...I am sure he will be a little sweetie too.    We will see him again this weekend for his birthday.

Didn't get a lot of stitching done this past week but almost have a small finish.  It is "Flora McSample Boo Sampler" by Lizzie Kate.  Needed something quick, easy and fun to do.

Hope to finish this up tomorrow so I can start on something new.

Not a whole lot more to say...too much going on I don't want the world to know about just yet.